
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Challenge 54 Reminder and Winner and Top 3 From Challenge 53

Welcome back to the Star Stampz Challenge Blog!

We're back today with a reminder of our current challenge and the winner and top 3 from Challenge 53.

Our theme for Challenge 53 was 'Christmas' and we had some fabulous entries - your support is much appreciated.

First of all our winner chosen by is:

#5 - Kathy K

Congratulations Kathy.  Please e-mail me (Helen) at and let me know which 3 images you would like from the Star Stampz Etsy Shop - please include links in your e-mail.  Please claim your prize by the end of January.

And now let's see who the Design Team has chosen as the top 3 from Challenge 53:

#2 - Vannessa

#13 - Lynn McAuley

#20 - Liliane Carvalho

Congratulations to you all - we loved your cards.

I would like to invite you all to be Guest Designers for a future challenge.  If you would like to take up this invitation, please e-mail me (address above) and we will get everything set up.

And now here is some more Christmas inspiration from the Design Team:

(to follow)

We hope that's inspired you to join our challenge - we'd love to see your cards!

Helen and the Star Stampz Challenge x


  1. Thank you so much for making me a lucky winner of challenge No. 53 - I've e-mailed you with my selection (Panda balloon, Me & my snowman and Gotta catch 'em all)


  2. Congratulations to those showcased too


  3. Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the top 3. Have emailed Helen as the GDT offer! Congratulations to all the other winners too.
